Nepeta Liu is an illustrator based in Taiwan. She graduated from Kingston University in London with a Master's degree in Illustration. As a freelance illustrator, she specializes in creating character illustrations with a Western style that combines fantasy and botanical elements.
Her portfolio includes a diverse range of projects such as corporate calendars, book covers and interior illustrations, single cover designs, custom badge designs, web illustrations, ICON art, and long-term character design collaborations with animation directors. Nepeta excels at adapting her artistic style to suit different projects and audiences.
Master of Communication Design: llustration (MA)
Kingston University, London
Bachelor of History (BA)
Bachelor of Foreign Languages and Literature
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan

我是Nepeta  Liu,台南人。2019年9月畢業於英國倫敦的金士頓大學,取得插畫碩士學位,目前為自由接案插畫家。擅長偏歐美風格、結合奇幻和植物的人物插畫。製作過包含企業形象月曆、書籍封面及內頁插畫、單曲封面設計、造型徽章設計、網頁插畫、ICON繪製、並與動畫導演長期合作角色設計等專案,能根據不同專案及受眾轉換適合的美術風格。歡迎各品牌合作!

英國金士頓大學, 倫敦
國立成功大學, 台南

Experience 經歷

2024 YOTTA 《奇幻角色電繪課|創作獨一無二的魔法風格人物》合作講師

2024  2024 
Illustration Taipei 台北國際插畫博覽會 於 花博爭艷館 (Taipei, Taiwan)

2023 第四屆 台創祭 Publishing Creatively Fair 於 松山文創園區 (Taipei, Taiwan)
2022.3 Throne of Dawn NFT Artist
2021.4 第二屆 滿滿漫畫節 (Taipei, Taiwan)
2019.9 <Despicable Children> 參展「18/19 MA: Illustration」於Gallery Different (London, UK) 展出。
2019.6  聯合策展「Go! Bananas」於Stanley Picker Gallery (London, UK) 展出。

Competition 競賽

2024 Character Design Challenge - (Harajuku Fashionista) -Winner。

2024 Character Design Challenge - (Traveling Shepherd) -Special Mentions。

2023 Hiii Illustration Competition 2022 第十屆 Hiii Illustration 國際插畫大賽- Merit Award  優秀作品獎
2021.3 Character Design Challenge - (Mushroom Fighter) - Special Mentions。
2021.2 Character Design Challenge - (Thai Dancer) - Special Mentions。
2020  Clip Studio Paint第二十三屆國際插畫競賽-佳作。
2020.2 Character Design Challenge - (Carnival of Brazil) - Special Mentions。
2017  成大鳳凰樹文學獎新詩組第二名
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